Embracing the Value of Diverse Interests: Progress Beyond the Setbacks

Greetings, fellow adventurers!

Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs our way, doesn’t it? Just when we think we have everything perfectly aligned, a health setback or unexpected hurdle comes our way. Recently, I found myself facing such challenges while juggling my passion for home improvement projects and maintaining an active lifestyle. It was during this time that I realized the immense value of having diverse interests that allow us to make progress in other areas of our lives, even when faced with setbacks.

  1. A Tapestry of Interests:
    As individuals with multifaceted personalities, we are blessed with an array of interests that contribute to our overall growth and well-being. In my case, my love for travel, distance running, rock climbing, mountain biking, and home improvement has shaped my identity and provided me with avenues for exploration and self-expression. Each interest adds a unique thread to the tapestry of my life, creating a rich and vibrant mosaic of experiences.
  2. Finding Balance and Adaptability:
    When faced with health setbacks that impede progress in one area, it can be disheartening. However, having diverse interests allows us to shift our focus and find solace in other pursuits. For instance, if a home improvement project gets delayed due to health constraints, I can channel my energy into distance running or rock climbing. This versatility not only helps me maintain a sense of progress but also fosters adaptability and resilience in the face of obstacles.
  3. The Ripple Effect of Achievement:
    Engaging in different activities and interests provides a ripple effect of accomplishment. Each milestone reached, whether it’s completing a challenging rock climbing route or transforming a room through home improvement, fuels a sense of achievement and progress. Even when one area experiences setbacks, the triumphs from other pursuits remind us that setbacks are temporary and that we have the power to overcome any challenge.
  4. Nurturing Mind and Body:
    Diverse interests offer a holistic approach to personal growth and well-being. While one activity may focus on physical strength and endurance, another may provide mental stimulation and creative expression. By nurturing both mind and body through varied interests, we cultivate a sense of wholeness and harmony, allowing us to navigate setbacks with grace and gratitude.
  5. Embracing the Journey:
    Ultimately, life is a journey of self-discovery and continuous growth. Having diverse interests reminds us to embrace the process rather than fixate solely on the destination. It encourages us to savor each step, regardless of setbacks, knowing that the progress we make in various areas contributes to our overall development and fulfillment.

So, dear readers, let us celebrate the beauty of diverse interests and the progress they bring to our lives. Let us find solace and inspiration in the multitude of paths we embark upon, knowing that setbacks are merely detours on the grand adventure of self-discovery. Embrace the value of these different interests, for they provide us with endless opportunities to evolve, thrive, and make progress, even in the face of challenges.

Wishing you a life filled with diverse passions and a resilient spirit!

Boldly going, occasionally delusional.


Ulysses: Scylla and Charybdis

Happy Bloomsday, dear readers!

Today, we embark on an exploration of another captivating chapter in James Joyce’s Ulysses: “Scylla and Charybdis.” Just as Odysseus faced the treacherous sea monsters in Greek mythology, our beloved protagonist, Leopold Bloom, finds himself in a literary whirlwind of ideas and discourse.

  1. The Mythical Undercurrent: Scylla and Charybdis, in Greek mythology, were two perilous creatures situated on opposite sides of a narrow strait. Sailors passing through had to navigate between the two, avoiding the fatal consequences of each. In Ulysses, this mythical reference sets the stage for an episode filled with intellectual challenges, debates, and conflicting perspectives.
  2. A Collision of Minds: Similar to the turbulent waters Odysseus encountered, “Scylla and Charybdis” immerses us in a flurry of literary discussions. Bloom finds himself amidst a gathering of intellectual minds, including Stephen Daedalus, the elder Daedalus, Myles Crawford, and others. These characters represent various viewpoints and engage in intellectual sparring, providing a rich tapestry of contrasting ideas.
  3. Bloom’s Outsider Status: In this chapter, we witness Bloom’s continued role as the outsider. While his peers passionately debate literature and politics, Bloom remains on the periphery, struggling to fully engage in the intellectual discourse. Yet, it is precisely his position as an observer that grants us a unique perspective, allowing us to witness the clash of ideas and ideologies from a different vantage point.
  4. Themes Echoing Through the Chaos: Within the chaos of discussions, several overarching themes emerge:
    • Intellectual Inferiority: Bloom often finds himself regarded as intellectually inferior by his peers. Despite his efforts to contribute and connect with others, he is met with condescension or mockery. This recurring theme highlights the insecurities and societal dynamics that shape our interactions.
    • The Power of Language: Language takes center stage as the characters engage in linguistic acrobatics. Joyce masterfully weaves wordplay, allusions, and references throughout the chapter, emphasizing the transformative power of language and its ability to shape ideas and perceptions.
    • National Identity and Politics: The discussion of Irish home rule and English influence permeates the discourse. As with much of Ulysses, the tension between Irish identity and the influence of colonial powers adds depth to the narrative, reflecting the societal and political context of early 20th-century Dublin.
  5. Finding Meaning Amidst the Whirlwind: “Scylla and Charybdis” may be a challenging chapter to navigate, but it offers a profound exploration of intellectual pursuits, the complexities of human interaction, and the power of language to shape our understanding of the world. As readers, we are encouraged to embrace the chaos, to delve deeper into the layers of meaning, and to appreciate the intricate web of ideas woven by Joyce.

In closing, “Scylla and Charybdis” invites us to embrace the tumultuous currents of intellectual discourse, reminding us that within the whirlwind of conflicting viewpoints, there lies the potential for profound growth and understanding. Like Odysseus navigating treacherous waters, Bloom’s journey through this chapter serves as a testament to the human capacity for resilience, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Wishing you the happiest of Bloomsdays!

Boldly going, occasionally delusional.


Embracing Injury with Patience and Gratitude

Greetings fellow adventurers!

Today, I want to delve into a topic that many of us may encounter along our path to an active and fulfilling lifestyle: injuries. As we pursue our passions, such as climbing, distance running, or mountain biking, it’s not uncommon to face setbacks due to injury. In this blog post, we will explore the transformative power of accepting injuries with patience and even gratitude, embracing them as opportunities for growth.

  1. The Lesson of Patience: Injuries can be frustrating, forcing us to put our aspirations on hold and disrupting the momentum we have built. However, they also provide us with a valuable lesson in patience. By accepting and respecting our body’s need for rest and recovery, we develop patience as we wait for the healing process to run its course. Patience allows us to shift our focus from immediate progress to long-term well-being, nurturing a deeper understanding of ourselves and our bodies.
  2. The Gift of Self-Reflection: During the healing process, we have an opportunity for self-reflection. Injuries force us to slow down, providing an opportunity to reevaluate our goals, motivations, and approaches. We can use this time to delve into our mental and emotional well-being, examining any imbalances or areas of improvement. Through self-reflection, we gain a deeper understanding of our limits, strengths, and the underlying reasons behind our pursuits.
  3. Gratitude for What We Have: Injuries can be a stark reminder of the blessings we often take for granted. When we are unable to participate in our favorite activities, we realize just how much joy and fulfillment they bring to our lives. By practicing gratitude for the abilities we possess and the progress we have made, we cultivate a mindset of appreciation. Gratitude fuels our motivation to recover and return stronger, inspiring us to make the most of every opportunity once we regain our strength.
  4. Exploring Alternative Paths: Injuries can lead us to explore new avenues that we may not have considered before. While we may be temporarily sidelined from our primary activity, we can embrace this opportunity to discover other forms of exercise or engage in activities that nurture different aspects of our well-being. Exploring alternative paths allows us to broaden our horizons and discover hidden passions or talents, enriching our overall experience.
  5. Cultivating Resilience: Perhaps the most significant gift that injuries bestow upon us is the chance to cultivate resilience. When faced with obstacles and setbacks, we have an opportunity to strengthen our mental and emotional fortitude. By adopting a positive mindset, focusing on the lessons learned, and persevering through the challenges, we emerge from injuries with newfound resilience and a greater capacity to face future hurdles.

As we navigate the realm of injuries, let us embrace them with patience and gratitude. They are not roadblocks but rather detours that redirect our journey toward self-discovery, growth, and resilience. By accepting injuries as part of our active lifestyle, we open ourselves to transformative experiences and emerge stronger, both physically and mentally.

Boldly going, occasionally delusional.


Savoring the Present: Unveiling the Lessons from James Joyce’s “The Lestrygonians”

Greetings, dear readers! Today I am restarting my analysis of Joyce’s Ulysses where I left off many moons ago. We’re halfway through the month of May and Bloomsday is fast approaching, so I’m once again embracing my favorite book.

Join me as we embark on a literary journey to explore the profound insights hidden within the chapter “The Lestrygonians.” While Joyce’s works are often considered dense and challenging, they offer remarkable perspectives that can inspire us to live more consciously, especially in our relationship with food and the present moment.

“The Lestrygonians” takes us through the bustling streets of Dublin as Leopold Bloom, the protagonist, seeks nourishment during his midday stroll. Amidst the vibrant descriptions and sensory overload, there are valuable lessons to be learned:

  1. Embracing the Art of Mindful Eating:
    Joyce’s vivid portrayal of Bloom’s lunchtime excursion reminds us of the importance of being fully present while enjoying our meals. In a world that often promotes mindless eating, “The Lestrygonians” encourages us to savor each bite, to indulge our senses, and to appreciate the flavors, textures, and aromas that dance on our palates. By practicing mindful eating, we cultivate a deeper connection with our nourishment, fostering gratitude and awareness of the present moment.
  2. Observing the Intertwined Lives of Others:
    As Bloom navigates the crowded streets, we witness glimpses into the lives of the diverse characters that populate Dublin. Joyce’s intricate descriptions remind us of the interconnectedness of humanity. “The Lestrygonians” encourages us to become more observant of the world around us, to acknowledge the stories of others, and to appreciate the richness that emerges when we embrace the tapestry of human existence. In doing so, we foster compassion, empathy, and a greater understanding of our place within the grand scheme of life.
  3. Seeking Beauty in the Ordinary:
    Joyce’s mastery lies in his ability to find beauty in the most ordinary moments. Through “The Lestrygonians,” we are reminded to see the extraordinary within the seemingly mundane aspects of our daily lives. As Bloom contemplates the simplest details—a sandwich, a passing tram, or a stream of conversation—we are prompted to open our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us, to find joy in the small pleasures, and to appreciate the significance of the present moment.
  4. Honoring the Journey, Not Just the Destination:
    “The Lestrygonians” invites us to slow down, to embrace the journey rather than rushing towards a final destination. As Bloom leisurely meanders through the city, the chapter encourages us to adopt a similar mindset in our own lives. By savoring each step, each interaction, and each experience, we cultivate a deeper appreciation for the richness of our existence. Life is a collection of moments, and “The Lestrygonians” reminds us to relish each one, finding meaning and fulfillment in the present.

Incorporating these insights from Joyce’s “The Lestrygonians” into our daily lives can help us foster a more mindful and fulfilling lifestyle. Let us become aware of the food we consume, connect with the stories and experiences of those around us, seek beauty in the ordinary, and embrace the journey of life itself.

Remember, our existence is a tapestry woven with countless threads, each representing a unique moment in time. By consciously weaving those threads together, we create a life that is rich, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling.

Wishing you a journey filled with mindful exploration, conscious connections, and an appreciation for the wonders of the present moment.

Boldly going, occasionally delusional.


Energize your morning: The power of a simple body weight workout

Greetings, fellow adventurers,

Today, I want to share with you the transformative power of starting your day with a simple, body weight workout. As our lives become increasingly fast-paced, it’s crucial to find ways to nourish our minds and bodies, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Engaging in a morning workout routine can be a game-changer, and here’s why.

  1. Amplified Energy Levels:
    By kickstarting your day with a body weight workout, you ignite a surge of energy that will fuel you throughout the day. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters, leaving you feeling invigorated, focused, and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.
  2. Enhanced Mental Clarity:
    The benefits of exercise extend far beyond physical well-being. Engaging in a morning workout routine can help clear the mental fog and sharpen your focus. By activating both your mind and body, you stimulate blood flow and oxygenate your brain, enhancing cognitive function and mental clarity for the tasks that await you.
  3. Improved Physical Strength and Flexibility:
    Regular body weight workouts build strength and flexibility over time. By incorporating exercises that target different muscle groups, you develop a strong foundation and improve your overall fitness. This newfound strength not only enhances your performance in other activities, such as distance running, rock climbing, or mountain biking, but also supports your everyday movements, promoting better posture and reducing the risk of injury.
  4. Time Efficiency:
    One of the beautiful aspects of body weight workouts is their simplicity and accessibility. You can perform them in the comfort of your own home, in a hotel room while traveling, or even outdoors amidst nature. These workouts require little to no equipment, making them a time-efficient solution for those with busy schedules. Just a few minutes each morning can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.
  5. Mental Resilience and Discipline:
    Committing to a regular morning workout routine fosters mental resilience and discipline. Starting your day with intentional physical activity instills a sense of accomplishment and sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. By overcoming the initial resistance and showing up for yourself, you cultivate a mindset of determination and perseverance that can carry over into all aspects of your life.

So, fellow adventurers, I encourage you to carve out a few moments each morning to invest in your well-being through a simple body weight workout. Embrace the power of movement, harness the benefits of increased energy, mental clarity, strength, and flexibility. You deserve to start your day on your own terms, primed to make the most of every adventure that comes your way.

Wishing you strength, vitality, and an abundance of adventure.

Going boldly, occasionally delusional


Finding Balance: Returning to the Zen and Active Lifestyle Blog

It has been far too long since my last post, and I wanted to take a moment to extend my sincerest apologies for the hiatus. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes, and lately, the demands of work and personal commitments have consumed much of my time. However, I am thrilled to announce that I am back and more motivated than ever to share my adventures, experiences, and insights with all of you.

When I initially began this journey as a travel blogger, little did I know that it would evolve into something even more meaningful. Along the way, I discovered a passion for a zen and active lifestyle—an embodiment of the balance between mind, body, and spirit. From distance running and rock climbing to mountain biking and delving into the world of home improvement, I have immersed myself in a diverse range of activities that have enhanced my well-being.

Life, with all its twists and turns, often reminds us of the importance of prioritization and self-care. It has taken some time to find equilibrium amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Nonetheless, this period of reflection and introspection has reaffirmed my commitment to this blog and the incredible community that has formed around it.

So, from this point forward, expect regular updates once again! I am eager to delve into the world of captivating trails, reach new heights on breathtaking cliffs, pedal my way through stunning landscapes, and transform my living spaces into sanctuaries of tranquility. Together, we will explore the intersections of adventure, mindfulness, and personal growth, finding inspiration in the simple joys of life.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during my absence. Your steadfast presence has reminded me of the significance of sharing these experiences, and I am excited to embark on this journey with you once again. Let’s reconnect, rediscover, and reinvigorate our passion for living a zen and active lifestyle.

Stay tuned for the upcoming posts, where we’ll dive into thrilling tales, insightful reflections, and practical tips that will inspire you to embrace your own path of balance, wellness, and adventure.

Boldly going, occasionally delusional: Quixote Goes


The Value of Being Neighborly

I’m a day late and a dollar short on this blog. This year, I intended to spend time on the weekends and post each Monday. We’re still in January and I’m already posting a day late. I’m not exactly a dollar short though – I’m actually up a few dollars, unintentionally. Let’s dig in – or rather – out.

We’ve had some snow here in central Ohio. I love the snow. I embrace it and the cold of winter. I could handle longer daylight hours in the winter months, but I’ve largely found that the more I embrace the winter as it comes, the more I get out of it. A few years ago, I noticed my better half was increasing her distaste for winter weather. As such, I started scheduling time for us to go out into the winter weather while appropriately dressed for the conditions. What’s that saying? “There’s no such thing as bad weather, merely bad preparation.” Something like that. I’m happy to report, dear reader, that my diabolical plan worked. I wouldn’t say that my wife Melanie embraces the cold and snow like I do – yet – however, she has found a joy for downhill skiing and figures out how we can make time for it.

Snow and cold don’t work for everyone though. The slippery conditions can be hazardous to the less mobile and arthritic joints don’t love the colder temps. So I recognize that my embrace of winter is not the same for everyone at all stages of life. Last night, I saw a couple of neighbors post on our neighborhood Facebook group that they needed help shoveling their driveways. After I took care of my chores at home, I had time to either write a Monday blog post, or help my neighbors. I chose the latter.

I reached out per the message’s instructions and confirmed that no one else had agreed to help. After all, I don’t want to get in the way of some industrious middle- or high-schooler looking to make some valuable spending money. After confirming that my neighbors did not have any scheduled helpers, I told them I was coming to take care of their driveway. They immediately asked about payment. “No charge,” I simply replied. They politely protested. “I must pay you something.” “It is too late for you, don’t come in the dark.” I smiled and walked down with my snow shovel and quietly got started. I was already dressed in my cold weather gear from walking our dogs, so I was honestly enjoying my time out.

Two-thirds of the way through the job, the garage door opened. A venerable Indian man walked out to greet me with cash in hand. I politely protested, “I just want to be a good neighbor.” “Please,” he replied. “I won’t sleep if you don’t let me pay you for your efforts.” Now that I’m a bit older and marginally wiser, I handled this situation with a touch of poise. Younger Troy would have not taken the money and perhaps said something that took away from the dignity of the situation. Instead, I deferred and took the money. I don’t need the money, nor do I want it. However, not taking it would have made the other person feel indebted or obliged – also not what I wanted. So, I ended up getting my target step count per my fitness tracker, I helped a neighbor in need, I got some joyful time in the snow, and I earned a few unintended bucks. Well worth a late blog post!

Now the question is what to do with the money. I’ve put it in my sock drawer for now and plan to use it as ‘seed money’ to do something else positive for the neighborhood. Maybe if I shovel enough driveways this winter, I can buy some extra flowers for the flower bed at the entrance of our neighborhood in the Spring. It will be a fun, neighborly experiment!

Exploring Appalachia: Going Back

Last week’s post marked the relaunch of this once-travel-turned-reflective-inner-journey blog. This year, I plan to pick up on two main threads: 1.) Exploring Appalachia, which serves as the familial roots for my wife and me, and 2.) Completing my exploration of Ulysses by James Joyce. This post kicks off the exploration of Appalachia, as the title suggests.

Last year, my wife and I bought a modest vacation home in Fayetteville, West Virginia. But the story leading up to it is worth telling, even if briefly. Prior to Fayetteville, we had been saving for a vacation home and in 2019 met with a realtor in Barcelona, Spain. We had traveled to Barcelona a couple of times a year for five years in a row and we wanted to take advantage of low home prices in our favorite place on earth. We attempted to navigate the buying process there, but it didn’t work out because of the requirements for foreign buyers. Now 2 years into the Coronavirus pandemic, that failure was a blessing. We would have been paying for a house we largely couldn’t use.

Fast forward to Fayetteville. Within driving distance of our home Columbus, Ohio, we visited the New River Gorge area a few of times during the pandemic for the extensive outdoor sports: rock climbing, trail running, white water rafting to name a few. We fell in love with the charm of the town and the world-class sporting opportunities. This was prior to the national park designation in late 2020 and at that time, home prices were within our vacation home budget. Sitting on our savings that was making essentially no interest, we decided to make a splash.

The home buying process was arduous, we were well-qualified buyers but our local bank told us to “go find another lender” because they couldn’t handle their current business load. We had to wait on the regional appraiser to make the 100-mile trek to Fayetteville. The home inspection found a litany of problems that needed to be negotiated. We finally closed after four months of seemingly endless back and forth. Now we could begin renovating our humble house that was in dire need of attention, but that story is for another day.

As part of our purchase and temporary move to Fayetteville to renovate the house, my wife Melanie and I extensively discussed “going back” to Appalachia. We were both raised in Scioto County, Ohio, an economically depressed county with localized small towns along the Ohio River in the foothills of Appalachia. There were many things that felt like home, from the ultra-local news coverage on Huntington-based WSAZ to the difficulty in finding a reliable plumber. Melanie and I had worked so hard to move to a major metropolitan area away from the Appalachian attitudes of our upbringing, and now we’ve made a major investment in Southern West Virginia. What were we thinking?!?

Fast forward a year and we both agree that buying the Fayetteville house was perhaps our best decision as a couple. We love the area for the outdoor opportunities, but even more importantly, we have met so many amazing people with their own fascinating stories. Rather than being pulled back into some of the negativity that can mark small town life, we have been utterly uplifted by small business owners, fellow outdoorsy people, and exceptionally talented craftspeople who highlight the area. As younger people searching for greener grass, we once thought that Appalachia was backward and was best viewed from the rear view mirror. But here we are embracing it anew and happily exploring Appalachia.

Crossroads: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I was just about to close the shudders on this blog and take it all down. WordPress informed me via email that my credit card on file had expired and that I needed to update it in order for my annual subscription to be renewed. I thought, “meh.” I haven’t had the time – or the travels – to write anything new in quite some time. So I simply didn’t act. A couple of months went by with no action from me and then I received the renewal receipt. WordPress figured out how to renew with my card on file. So now I’m thinking, “Let’s get back on the wagon.”

I originally started this blog with the intent to share our travels. For about 7 years, my wife and I were road warriors, constantly taking in new locations across the US and Europe with our eyes on the horizon for new destinations in Latin America, Scandinavia, and potentially Asia. However, a couple of things happened that slowed our roll.

First, my Dad passed away, very early in life by today’s standards. As I let his mortality sink in, writing a travel blog just felt a bit lofty. “It doesn’t really matter,” I thought. “Very few people will read or benefit from my writing.” I ended up writing about a more personal journey rather than staying focused on travel. The title still worked though. Quixote Goes: Boldly going, occasionally delusional. Rather than traipsing around countries where I didn’t speak the native language and relying on the hospitality of strangers, I was still on a journey though life and finding my way through this world.

The next big thing that hit the idea of a travel blog was Covid-19. We all know the deal. Travel was quashed, countries closed their borders, states rated each other on infection rates, political affiliates hurled missiles across the aisle. I think there is pent up demand for travel, but the proverbial Genie has been let out of the bottle. Things won’t be the same for some time.

Alas, I’ve now paid for another year of this blog, so I might as well use it. So here we go. Post one of the new year. This year, I plan to further the journey. I want to continue exploring the idea of life’s journey. Given that my wife and I both hail from Appalachia but have our lives rooted outside the region in a work-life that is notably Northeastern, I think there are tales to be told. Still boldly going, still occasionally delusional.

Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend

For the past 11 years, I have had the honor of sharing a household with the most amazing dog. He didn’t leap tall buildings in a single bound or learn to speak Portuguese in a weekend or anything like that, although he was hands down the most athletic dog I’ve had in my 45 years of dog ownership. However, what made Rusty special among the many dogs I’ve owned and met was his startling ability to read the human situation.

Rusty saw our family through divorce, new love, marriage, blending households, death of friends and family members, work layoffs, illnesses, graduations, and – up until this weekend – an unprecedented lockdown due to a global pandemic. It is not hyperbole to say that he knew what you needed. He could read a face better than most humans I’ve met. He knew when we needed love sometimes before we did.

On Thursday evening of this week, Rusty went to jump onto our bed and he seemed a bit stiff. No big deal I thought. He’s eleven. On Friday, he stiffened up a bit more; Hopping on his back legs rather than trotting. Again, I’ve seen this before. A few years ago, he had a tight back for a few days. He came out of it in less than a week and was back to his full athletic prowess. I called the vet and told them the situation. With his reduced mobility and the lockdown, they agreed to prescribe the same meds as the last time. This time, things would not fare so well.

By late Friday afternoon, Rusty was hobbling. It was as bad as things had gotten the last time. Something felt wrong, but he was still moving, eating and drinking. I sat with him until 10 PM. He was stable, so I went to bed. At about 1 AM, I woke up to thumps and dragging noises. I rushed downstairs to find that Rusty had gone to the bathroom on the floor and was nervously dragging his back half around the room. He was panicked, looking to me for help. It was heartbreaking. I stayed up with him the rest of the night and carried him outside every couple of hours, petting him to keep him still in between. He had lost control of his bladder and bowels. I knew it was dire. Before the vet opened, I put him in the truck and we took him for his last car ride.

It took the vet about an hour and a half to call me and tell me what I already knew. My old friend wasn’t going to make it. I’m crying as I write this. The vet’s best guess is that he had a spinal blood clot that caused the shockingly fast paralysis.

Like me, Rusty was a runner. Actually, Rusty was a real runner and I’m just a plodding middle-aged trotter. I have plenty of videos of him running happily in the dog park. Just this past weekend, we were on a trail run with an old friend and his dog. I’ve never seen Rusty happier. The trail was full of mud and standing water. He and I were filthy by the end. His post-run glow and doggie smile were perfect. He came home and got an unwanted shower. He was a boy’s dog all the way. As I replay these memories in my mind, it is difficult for me to resolve that he’s gone.

The thing with dogs is that they touch us so completely but are comparatively short-lived. Our co-existence sets us up for this agony. I always knew he wouldn’t live forever. But with Rusty, he sort of made you forget about that. He retained his youthful exuberance up until his final 24 hours. I guess from that perspective we were lucky to have such incredible healthy and loving companion for 11 straight years. It still hurts.

Rest easy old friend. We love you.